‘This is me!’ team building

‘This is me!’ team building

A few weeks ago I was asked to lead a staff training session. It’s a long time since I have sung with ninety people, let alone pulled together a groups of totally unprepared counsellors and IT technicians and taught them to sing an entire piece within an hour. As I...

The gentle way to warm up your voice

The gentle way to warm up your voice

I can remember seeing an interview with two singers as a child. One was a pop singer and the other was Sarah Brightman, a singer famous for her marriage to Andrew Lloyd Weber as well as for singing in his Phantom of the Opera as the soprano lead. It was a breakfast...

Types of voice: SATB demystified

Types of voice: SATB demystified

Types of voice: SATB demystified.Singing in harmony is one of the greatest pleasures for me as a singer. There is something magical about voices combining to form chords and countermelodies. One of the simplest ways to experience this as a relatively inexperienced...

Certified qualifications in music: yes or no?

Certified qualifications in music: yes or no?

As a youngster my understanding was that the proof of learning an instrument was that you took your grades and gained qualifications. Grade eight was the mystical and far-flung goal to which we all aspired… the accolade which signalled not only success but...

Malvern Link Youth Choir to sing for Easter Sunday

Malvern Link Youth Choir to sing for Easter Sunday

We had our last rehearsal yesterday in preparation for Easter Sunday. Come and hear us at St Matthias in the 9:45 service on the 17th. The children are so excited. They sang beautifully this evening. Several are preparing solos...

Sing for the Ukraine Crisis Appeal

Sing for the Ukraine Crisis Appeal

Choral day for ages 8-18 followed by concert 3-4 pm. Saturday April 23rd 2022 at St. Matthias Church, Church Road, Malvern Link WR14 1LX 10am - 4pm Book your child’s place on the choral day via the contact form on the Malvern Link Youth Choir page. Attend the concert...

Why Kodàly? 

Why Kodàly? 

As a qualified school teacher with music skills I was often called upon to run the school choir, lead singing assemblies, and of course manage the nativity performance. Latterly I was also asked to teach music as a curriculum subject due to the lack of musical...

Coughs and Colds

Coughs and Colds

Minor ailments can be a real problem….Two of my private singing students are taking a week off this week with either Covid 19 or with a common cold, the week before I had one person miss a lesson, and the week before three. As I emailed over advice as to how to look...

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